Pay Of Your Debt Mastering Your Finances: A Path to Financial Stability Embark on a transformative journey toward financial success by mastering the art of money management. Our resources empower you to discover the impact of effective budgeting, the importance of smart saving, and the strategies behind strategic investing. Whether you’re just starting or seeking to optimize your financial portfolio, our guidance is designed to lead you toward becoming financially savvy and secure. What is your total debt amount? Less than $5,000 $5,000 - $10,000 $10,000 - $20,000 More than $20,000 None What types of debt do you have? (Select all that apply) Credit Card Student Loan Mortgage Auto Loan Personal Loan Other None How do you currently manage your debt repayments? I pay more than the minimum amount due on all debts. I pay more than the minimum amount due on all debts. I struggle to make the minimum payments I have missed some payments. None Do you have an emergency fund? Yes, I have more than three months' worth of expenses saved. Yes, but less than three months' worth of expenses. No, I do not have an emergency fund. None How often do you use credit cards for everyday purchases? Regularly Occasionally Rarely Never None Do you have a budget or financial plan? Yes, and I stick to it consistently. I have a budget, but I don't always follow it. No, I don't have a budget. None How much of your monthly income is dedicated to debt repayment? Less than 10% 10% - 20% 20% - 30% More than 30% None Do you feel stressed or overwhelmed by your debt? All the time Often Sometimes Rarely None Have you considered or used debt consolidation or refinancing? Yes, I have consolidated or refinanced my debt. I have considered it but haven't done it. No, I haven't considered it. None What is your main goal with debt repayment? Pay off debt as quickly as possible Reduce the amount of interest I pay Lower my monthly payments Just keep up with payments to avoid penalties None Time's up What types of debt do you have? Start QuizPage 1 of 2 What types of debt do you have? Credit card Student Loan Page 2 of 2 What is your total debt amount? Less than $5,000 $5,000 - $10,000 Ready to send