Relocating for Work

From Accra to Dubai: A Software Developer’s Tale of Salary and Living Costs

Richmond Agyei, a skilled software developer, embarked on a life-changing journey when he decided to move from Accra, Ghana, to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for a new job opportunity in the same industry. While the prospect of a higher salary was a major draw, Richmond soon discovered that the shift entailed a substantial change in his cost of living.

Back in Accra

In Accra, Richmond’s lifestyle was comfortable yet modest. His salary as a software developer was respectable by local standards, allowing him to afford a decent apartment, cover his daily expenses, and save a portion of his income. Life in Accra was familiar and affordable; he had a strong support network of family and friends, and his living costs were well within his means.

The Move to Dubai

The job offer from Dubai promised a significant salary increase, a common allure for many professionals moving to this bustling metropolis. Richmond was excited about the opportunity, both professionally and financially. He anticipated a lifestyle upgrade, envisioning more savings and perhaps luxurious indulgences that were not as accessible back home.

Adjusting to New Expenses

However, upon relocating, Richmond quickly realized that his increased salary came with higher living expenses. The cost of housing in Dubai was his first reality check. Rent for an apartment similar to what he had in Accra was almost triple the price. Additionally, utility bills in Dubai, including electricity, water, and internet, were considerably higher.

Richmond also noticed a significant difference in day-to-day expenses. Groceries and dining out were more expensive, partly due to the higher quality and variety of international goods available. Transportation costs were another surprise. While public transport was efficient, the occasional need for taxis added up quickly, unlike in Accra, where he often relied on more affordable local transport options.

Healthcare, another crucial factor, presented a mixed bag. While Dubai offered excellent healthcare services, the insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs were substantially higher than what he was used to.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Richmond had to adjust his lifestyle to accommodate these changes. He learned to budget more carefully, prioritizing essential expenses and cutting down on luxury items. Socializing also became more expensive, so he found himself opting for more budget-friendly activities.

Professional Growth vs. Cost of Living

Despite these financial challenges, Richmond found professional growth opportunities in Dubai that were unparalleled. The exposure to a diverse work environment and advanced technologies in his field greatly enhanced his skills and experience.


Richmond’s story is a testament to the complex balance between salary gains and cost of living changes when relocating for work. His experience highlights the importance of thorough research and financial planning before such a significant move. While he enjoys the professional aspects of his life in Dubai, he continues to navigate and adapt to the financial realities of living in one of the world’s most dynamic cities.

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